Contoh Esai Motivasi Beasiswa LPDP: Ditingkatkan dengan Chat GPT Premium

Dalam dunia pendidikan tinggi, persaingan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa sering kali sangat ketat. Salah satu elemen kunci dalam aplikasi beasiswa adalah esai motivasi. Contoh yang akan kita bahas adalah esai motivasi LPDP milik Laksamana Fadian ZR, dengan fokus LPDP kewirausahaan. Esai ini telah direview dan ditingkatkan menggunakan Chat GPT Premium, menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi AI bisa menjadi alat penting dalam proses penulisan.

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Riset dan Penemuan Professor Tujuan Pada Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP

Salah satu tantangan terbesar dalam menulis esai motivasi untuk beasiswa S2 adalah mengidentifikasi dan menyelaraskan riset serta menemukan nama professor yang sesuai dengan capstone dan passion kita. Chat GPT Premium dapat membantu dalam hal ini dengan menyediakan informasi terkini tentang penelitian terbaru dan para akademisi di bidang yang kita minati. Dengan akses ke sumber-sumber pengetahuan yang luas, Chat GPT Premium memudahkan pencarian informasi yang relevan dan akurat seperti Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP dibawah.

Pemilihan Kata dan Sinonim yang Tepat yang Ada di Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP

Dalam penulisan esai, pemilihan kata sangat penting. Chat GPT Premium dapat membantu menemukan sinonim yang lebih sesuai dengan konteks untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kejelasan esai. Alat ini dapat mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang kurang efektif dan menggantinya dengan alternatif yang lebih kuat, sehingga meningkatkan kekuatan persuasi dan ekspresi dalam Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP dibawah. Dengan beragam plugin dan mode AI, kami dapat membuat revisi esay yang lebih lugas dan dapat dimengerti para juri seperti dibawah:


Mendeteksi Logical Fallacy Dari Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP

Esai beasiswa yang kuat harus logis dan konsisten. Chat GPT Premium memiliki kemampuan untuk mendeteksi logical fallacy, atau kesalahan logika, yang mungkin tidak terlihat oleh penulis. Dengan mengidentifikasi dan mengoreksi kesalahan logika ini, esai menjadi lebih kuat dan meyakinkan.

Persiapan Pertanyaan dari Professor dengan Chat GPT 4 Plus

Chat GPT Premium juga dapat membantu meramu pertanyaan yang mungkin diajukan oleh professor selama wawancara beasiswa. Dengan memahami topik dan konten Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP, Chat GPT Premium dapat memprediksi jenis pertanyaan yang relevan dan membantu penulis mempersiapkan jawabannya dengan lebih baik.

Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP oleh Laksamana Fadian ZR

Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP yang akan kita tinjau adalah milik Laksamana Fadian ZR, dengan fokus pada LPDP kewirausahaan. Chat GPT Premium telah digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi area yang perlu ditingkatkan, memastikan bahwa esai tersebut mencerminkan potensi penuh Laksamana sebagai kandidat beasiswa.

“Data” has been a basic commodity for a digitalized society to thrive. The issue about viruses called “Ransomware” that lock data in this essay has the potential to cause significant harm, potentially even costing lives. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that  can lock (encrypt) and steal crucial data, thus resulting in the loss of crucial information, such as medical records, which can hamper the timely and appropriate delivery of care, potentially leading to dire consequences. Additionally, ransomware can disrupt critical infrastructure systems, such as power grids or water treatment facilities, which are essential to people’s daily lives and can have serious public health and safety implications. Ransomware viruses have been a serious global issue, and Indonesia has experienced the highest number of “ransomware” cyber attacks in ASEAN. Recent victims like Bank Syariah Indonesia, Bank Indonesia, and Kereta Api Indonesia highlight the escalating threat within just the past six months. According to BSSN data, there were a total of 714,170,967 global ransomware attacks in 2022. The escalating problem prompted me to establish in 2018, a cybersecurity company that focuses on recovering and protecting data that has been locked or stolen by ransomware viruses. 

Despite the significant traction gained by, we face formidable challenges in tackling national ransomware threats and to expand it further to the global market. Firstly, the data recovery process demands extensive human resources, necessitating the collaboration of over 72 technicians from Indonesia and India. This process, often extending 1-5 months, highlights a crucial gap in local expertise at the entry level. Secondly, our expansion efforts are hampered by a lack of global representation and management skills to expand our coverage globally, limiting our ability to effectively engage international clients and adapt to diverse regulatory and cultural landscapes. 

Those two challenges above underscore my decision to pursue an MBA at Stanford. Stanford’s MBA will equip me with advanced global management strategies and an expansive network, essential for scaling my human resource capacity and enhancing its global expansion. My first mission is to foster sustainable partnerships between Stanford’s global alumni network and Indonesian talents, leveraging Stanford’s vast resources and collaborative opportunities. My second mission is to apply the  practical skills needed to expand branch globally from the curriculum and professors’ mentorship  in expanding’s reach, both nationally and globally.

Firstly, as a graduate of a vocational high school in Computer Networking (SMK TKJ), I witnessed a skill mismatch in the labor market, thus explaining why 9,42% of the total unemployment in Indonesia is dominated by SMK graduates. I envision building a cybersecurity partnership and ecosystem between local education institutes (SMKs & campuses), global investors, and Stanford IT graduates. The ecosystem can be the main solution to the scarcity of cybersecurity human resources at the entry level. I have planned this strategy execution for the next 5 years. By providing facility centers to provide cybersecurity  workshops & internships  among SMK TKJ graduates, I can recruit the best talents. From the recruits, I aim to build a virtual branch of my company by incorporating global IT graduates from around Stanford as partners in other countries and utilizing the recruits from my training centers. This ecosystem that scales up the human resource capacity will not only make the data decryption process quicker but also to transfer knowledge between global human resources and Indonesian IT graduates naturally. 
I believe that realizing the aforementioned goals requires enormous capitals and experts. Fortunately,  The “Stanford Startup Garage” program presents an unparalleled opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration, essential for the development of my specialized software designed to combat polymorphic ransomware, a type of ransomware undetectable by standard antivirus programs. My solution, currently available under an open-donation model as you may access on Collaborating with IT graduates within this environment, I aim to refine this electron-based JavaScript application over the next two years. Stanford’s strategic location and its close ties with Silicon Valley’s cybersecurity companies like Palo Alto and Cisco make it the ideal place for securing joint-development collaboration and incorporating best talents to test my product. Furthermore, the “Stanford Angel” program, which connects students with funding opportunities from Stanford alumni in venture, will enable me to establish multiple SMK-Training & Internship centers, hire senior technicians, and extend our office representatives into the international market. Together, these programs at Stanford form a comprehensive platform for both technological innovation and business acumen, essential for my vision of creating a globally recognized Indonesian cybersecurity company that we can be proud of.

Secondly, I believe that expanding teams to accelerate the data recovery and roam into new international markets pose another challenge, such as ensuring effective collaboration among culturally diverse teams & markets. However, the challenge I am solving aligns with Stanford’s curriculum and its professors’ expertise. Courses such as “People Operations: From Startup to Scaleup” and “Business Intelligence from Big Data”  that are taught by experts in the field, offer deep insights into managing human resources in diverse cultural settings and leveraging big data for strategic decision making. 

Therefore, The expertise of lecturers like Prasad Setty, John O. Lilly, and Robert E. Siegel aligns perfectly with my company’s challenges. Prasad Setty’s pioneering work in People Analytics at Google will provide me with data-driven strategies for effective HR management, a crucial aspect as we scale our team internationally. Additionally, John O. Lilly’s experience as an ex-CEO of Mozilla Firefox offers practical insights in developing robust organizational-behavior frameworks that support rapid growth while maintaining our company culture as a global open-source tech startup. Robert E. Siegel’s research on strategy, innovation, and financial management for entrepreneurs is particularly relevant for my capstone final project entitled “Scaling a Cybersecurity Startup: The Role of Data-Driven Planning, Human Resources Management, and Market Forecast in Global Expansion.” Siegel’s expertise will help me navigate the complex financial and strategic aspects of entering new markets, ensuring sustainable growth and innovation. All in all, Leveraging the knowledge and experience of these esteemed lecturers, I am confident that I can develop an effective strategy for scaling my cybersecurity startup globally, addressing the challenges of human resource management, market forecasting, and strategic planning in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Indeed, all of these solutions require me as the pilot to ensure that all positive impacts from Stanford can be felt by Indonesia upon my return from studying. My capabilities can be divided into two selling points: 1.) A track record of building consistent technology businesses with traction, and 2.) my ability to adapt in difficult situations.

As a start, becoming an entrepreneur has been my dream since I was a child. I am one of four siblings who are all entrepreneurs. I understand very well that being an entrepreneur requires me to be a jack-of-all-trades because I need to work with various divisions that have diverse disciplines. With multidisciplinary skills and leadership, I have acquired hundreds of clients to protect & recover their data, especially from well-known state-owned enterprises such as Waskita, PLN Engineering, MD Pictures, and Perta Daya Gas. In addition, I have received dozens of foreign clients from hospitals in Palestine to  German NGOs like GIZ.DE, indicating that the market for ransomware data recovery and protection is enormous. I have succeeded in acquiring these hundreds of clients by providing jobs for dozens of sales teams from campus graduates in Malang and Surabaya. This can also happen because I have pursued a Bachelor’s degree in English Language & Teaching. Like Jack Ma with this major, I have learned how to negotiate with global clients and partners and practiced pedagogy in teaching SOP to manage teams. I am also motivated by Elon Musk who interprets a great entrepreneur as a great engineer, which is reflected in my passion for learning about network and cybersecurity since my SMK days until now. Therefore, I have succeeded in obtaining a Level 3 cyber security associate certification from Fortinet, BNSP, and Cisco on network infrastructure and security. However, I need to unlock various skills that I have not yet acquired to expand my team and further accelerate the data recovery process from ransomware viruses, i.e. big data-driven strategies, international organizational behavior from ex-great CEOs who become Stanford lecturers, vast networks from IT talents in silicon valley, and enormous investment opportunities that I can gain exclusively from Stanford GSB. 

Secondly, I am driven by a passion for growth and adaptability. During my undergraduate studies, I was  supported by the Bidikmisi scholarship (Biaya Pendidikan Mahasiswa Miskin Berprestasi), I invested in multidisciplinary skills by leveraging my pedagogical and programming knowledge to build an AI-based online tryout company, which has been assessed by 50,000s Indonesian students for TOEFL & IELTS  tryouts. I also founded Digipedia, a company specializing in custom web and app development, and established Glolingo, a translation company for academic journals that has received national attention. As a Bidikmisi scholarship recipient, I have always been committed to fulfilling the donor’s expectations by excelling academically and in extracurricular activities. I have won more than 20 competitions, such as maintaining a final GPA of 3.84, earning the distinction of being the best graduate and the most inspiring national student achiever (MAWAPRESNAS) of 2019 from The Ministry of Education. These achievements reflect my drive to continuously grow and adapt to life’s challenges and help support my family and my employees. Therefore, I am confident in my ability to overcome potential cultural shock and academic stress in a foreign country, as I have already been trained to handle various challenges in life. 

I understand that there have been instances where some LPDP graduates do not return to Indonesia. Fortunately, this will not be the case for me. My gratitude towards Indonesia and emotional attachments to its cultural richness is immensely deep. My gratitude comes from the Government’s endless support, especially from Bidikmisi, Bansos, and health insurance for my family. As such, I feel a deep sense of indebtedness to the country and its taxpayers. My commitment to this debt of gratitude can be seen in my track record in several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that I have taken through my company (PT. Digitalisasi Global Inklusif), such as initiating a training program in collaboration with NU and SAR to help MSMEs go bankable and utilize digital marketing. Additionally, I have been continuously supporting my employees by not only providing salaries above the minimum wage standard, but also providing bonuses such as psychological support for well-being and scholarships. These activities demonstrate my unwavering attention to the well-being of my employees and my commitment to give back to my country by using my entrepreneurial skills to make a positive impact. Therefore, I am confident that, with the opportunity to study at Stanford, I can further develop my skills and knowledge to bring about even greater positive changes upon my return to Indonesia.

Dear, Ma’am, sir, I would like to emphasize that I have a strong vision to contribute to Indonesia by developing my cybersecurity company in tackling ransomware virus growing challenges. By taking a look at the exclusive benefits of Stanford GSB has to offer for my company’s growth, it became clear that studying in  online courses and local collaborations in Indonesia alone are not enough.  The connections between companies and universities in Indonesia that specialize in cybersecurity are minimal, and mostly work exclusively by themselves. As I come from an underprivileged family with little safety net and options for trial and error in business expansion, learning and entering the settled and measured entrepreneur ecosystem at Stanford can help me expand my existing business vastly with minimum risk. This ecosystem will make the data decryption process more efficient, more data of NGOs and institutions saved, more tax contributions received by Indonesia, and more local graduates absorbed. As Pramoedya Ananta Toer said, “My world is not a title, rank, salary, and dishonesty. My world is human earth with its problems.” Therefore, with the greater impact I give post-study, there will be a masterpiece that continues to grow and exist even after I have passed away.

“Data” has been a basic commodity for a digitalized society to thrive. The issue about viruses called “Ransomware” that lock data in this essay has the potential to cause significant harm, potentially even costing lives. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that  can lock (encrypt) and steal crucial data, thus resulting in the loss of crucial information, such as medical records, which can hamper the timely and appropriate delivery of care, potentially leading to dire consequences. Additionally, ransomware can disrupt critical infrastructure systems, such as power grids or water treatment facilities, which are essential to people’s daily lives and can have serious public health and safety implications. Ransomware viruses have been a serious global issue, and Indonesia has experienced the highest number of “ransomware” cyber attacks in ASEAN. Recent victims like Bank Syariah Indonesia, Bank Indonesia, and Kereta Api Indonesia highlight the escalating threat within just the past six months. According to BSSN data, there were a total of 714,170,967 global ransomware attacks in 2022. The escalating problem prompted me to establish in 2018, a cybersecurity company that focuses on recovering and protecting data that has been locked or stolen by ransomware viruses. 

Despite the significant traction gained by, we face formidable challenges in tackling national ransomware threats and to expand it further to the global market. Firstly, the data recovery process demands extensive human resources, necessitating the collaboration of over 72 technicians from Indonesia and India. This process, often extending 1-5 months, highlights a crucial gap in local expertise at the entry level. Secondly, our expansion efforts are hampered by a lack of global representation and management skills to expand our coverage globally, limiting our ability to effectively engage international clients and adapt to diverse regulatory and cultural landscapes. 

Those two challenges above underscore my decision to pursue an MBA at Stanford. Stanford’s MBA will equip me with advanced global management strategies and an expansive network, essential for scaling my human resource capacity and enhancing its global expansion. My first mission is to foster sustainable partnerships between Stanford’s global alumni network and Indonesian talents, leveraging Stanford’s vast resources and collaborative opportunities. My second mission is to apply the  practical skills needed to expand branch globally from the curriculum and professors’ mentorship  in expanding’s reach, both nationally and globally.

Firstly, as a graduate of a vocational high school in Computer Networking (SMK TKJ), I witnessed a skill mismatch in the labor market, thus explaining why 9,42% of the total unemployment in Indonesia is dominated by SMK graduates. I envision building a cybersecurity partnership and ecosystem between local education institutes (SMKs & campuses), global investors, and Stanford IT graduates. The ecosystem can be the main solution to the scarcity of cybersecurity human resources at the entry level. I have planned this strategy execution for the next 5 years. By providing facility centers to provide cybersecurity  workshops & internships  among SMK TKJ graduates, I can recruit the best talents. From the recruits, I aim to build a virtual branch of my company by incorporating global IT graduates from around Stanford as partners in other countries and utilizing the recruits from my training centers. This ecosystem that scales up the human resource capacity will not only make the data decryption process quicker but also to transfer knowledge between global human resources and Indonesian IT graduates naturally. 
I believe that realizing the aforementioned goals requires enormous capitals and experts. Fortunately,  The “Stanford Startup Garage” program presents an unparalleled opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration, essential for the development of my specialized software designed to combat polymorphic ransomware, a type of ransomware undetectable by standard antivirus programs. My solution, currently available under an open-donation model as you may access on Collaborating with IT graduates within this environment, I aim to refine this electron-based JavaScript application over the next two years. Stanford’s strategic location and its close ties with Silicon Valley’s cybersecurity companies like Palo Alto and Cisco make it the ideal place for securing joint-development collaboration and incorporating best talents to test my product. Furthermore, the “Stanford Angel” program, which connects students with funding opportunities from Stanford alumni in venture, will enable me to establish multiple SMK-Training & Internship centers, hire senior technicians, and extend our office representatives into the international market. Together, these programs at Stanford form a comprehensive platform for both technological innovation and business acumen, essential for my vision of creating a globally recognized Indonesian cybersecurity company that we can be proud of.

Secondly, I believe that expanding teams to accelerate the data recovery and roam into new international markets pose another challenge, such as ensuring effective collaboration among culturally diverse teams & markets. However, the challenge I am solving aligns with Stanford’s curriculum and its professors’ expertise. Courses such as “People Operations: From Startup to Scaleup” and “Business Intelligence from Big Data”  that are taught by experts in the field, offer deep insights into managing human resources in diverse cultural settings and leveraging big data for strategic decision making. 

Therefore, The expertise of lecturers like Prasad Setty, John O. Lilly, and Robert E. Siegel aligns perfectly with my company’s challenges. Prasad Setty’s pioneering work in People Analytics at Google will provide me with data-driven strategies for effective HR management, a crucial aspect as we scale our team internationally. Additionally, John O. Lilly’s experience as an ex-CEO of Mozilla Firefox offers practical insights in developing robust organizational-behavior frameworks that support rapid growth while maintaining our company culture as a global open-source tech startup. Robert E. Siegel’s research on strategy, innovation, and financial management for entrepreneurs is particularly relevant for my capstone final project entitled “Scaling a Cybersecurity Startup: The Role of Data-Driven Planning, Human Resources Management, and Market Forecast in Global Expansion.” Siegel’s expertise will help me navigate the complex financial and strategic aspects of entering new markets, ensuring sustainable growth and innovation. All in all, Leveraging the knowledge and experience of these esteemed lecturers, I am confident that I can develop an effective strategy for scaling my cybersecurity startup globally, addressing the challenges of human resource management, market forecasting, and strategic planning in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Indeed, all of these solutions require me as the pilot to ensure that all positive impacts from Stanford can be felt by Indonesia upon my return from studying. My capabilities can be divided into two selling points: 1.) A track record of building consistent technology businesses with traction, and 2.) my ability to adapt in difficult situations.

As a start, becoming an entrepreneur has been my dream since I was a child. I am one of four siblings who are all entrepreneurs. I understand very well that being an entrepreneur requires me to be a jack-of-all-trades because I need to work with various divisions that have diverse disciplines. With multidisciplinary skills and leadership, I have acquired hundreds of clients to protect & recover their data, especially from well-known state-owned enterprises such as Waskita, PLN Engineering, MD Pictures, and Perta Daya Gas. In addition, I have received dozens of foreign clients from hospitals in Palestine to  German NGOs like GIZ.DE, indicating that the market for ransomware data recovery and protection is enormous. I have succeeded in acquiring these hundreds of clients by providing jobs for dozens of sales teams from campus graduates in Malang and Surabaya. This can also happen because I have pursued a Bachelor’s degree in English Language & Teaching. Like Jack Ma with this major, I have learned how to negotiate with global clients and partners and practiced pedagogy in teaching SOP to manage teams. I am also motivated by Elon Musk who interprets a great entrepreneur as a great engineer, which is reflected in my passion for learning about network and cybersecurity since my SMK days until now. Therefore, I have succeeded in obtaining a Level 3 cyber security associate certification from Fortinet, BNSP, and Cisco on network infrastructure and security. However, I need to unlock various skills that I have not yet acquired to expand my team and further accelerate the data recovery process from ransomware viruses, i.e. big data-driven strategies, international organizational behavior from ex-great CEOs who become Stanford lecturers, vast networks from IT talents in silicon valley, and enormous investment opportunities that I can gain exclusively from Stanford GSB. 

Secondly, I am driven by a passion for growth and adaptability. During my undergraduate studies, I was  supported by the Bidikmisi scholarship (Biaya Pendidikan Mahasiswa Miskin Berprestasi), I invested in multidisciplinary skills by leveraging my pedagogical and programming knowledge to build an AI-based online tryout company, which has been assessed by 50,000s Indonesian students for TOEFL & IELTS  tryouts. I also founded Digipedia, a company specializing in custom web and app development, and established Glolingo, a translation company for academic journals that has received national attention. As a Bidikmisi scholarship recipient, I have always been committed to fulfilling the donor’s expectations by excelling academically and in extracurricular activities. I have won more than 20 competitions, such as maintaining a final GPA of 3.84, earning the distinction of being the best graduate and the most inspiring national student achiever (MAWAPRESNAS) of 2019 from The Ministry of Education. These achievements reflect my drive to continuously grow and adapt to life’s challenges and help support my family and my employees. Therefore, I am confident in my ability to overcome potential cultural shock and academic stress in a foreign country, as I have already been trained to handle various challenges in life. 

I understand that there have been instances where some LPDP graduates do not return to Indonesia. Fortunately, this will not be the case for me. My gratitude towards Indonesia and emotional attachments to its cultural richness is immensely deep. My gratitude comes from the Government’s endless support, especially from Bidikmisi, Bansos, and health insurance for my family. As such, I feel a deep sense of indebtedness to the country and its taxpayers. My commitment to this debt of gratitude can be seen in my track record in several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that I have taken through my company (PT. Digitalisasi Global Inklusif), such as initiating a training program in collaboration with NU and SAR to help MSMEs go bankable and utilize digital marketing. Additionally, I have been continuously supporting my employees by not only providing salaries above the minimum wage standard, but also providing bonuses such as psychological support for well-being and scholarships. These activities demonstrate my unwavering attention to the well-being of my employees and my commitment to give back to my country by using my entrepreneurial skills to make a positive impact. Therefore, I am confident that, with the opportunity to study at Stanford, I can further develop my skills and knowledge to bring about even greater positive changes upon my return to Indonesia.

Dear, Ma’am, sir, I would like to emphasize that I have a strong vision to contribute to Indonesia by developing my cybersecurity company in tackling ransomware virus growing challenges. By taking a look at the exclusive benefits of Stanford GSB has to offer for my company’s growth, it became clear that studying in  online courses and local collaborations in Indonesia alone are not enough.  The connections between companies and universities in Indonesia that specialize in cybersecurity are minimal, and mostly work exclusively by themselves. As I come from an underprivileged family with little safety net and options for trial and error in business expansion, learning and entering the settled and measured entrepreneur ecosystem at Stanford can help me expand my existing business vastly with minimum risk. This ecosystem will make the data decryption process more efficient, more data of NGOs and institutions saved, more tax contributions received by Indonesia, and more local graduates absorbed. As Pramoedya Ananta Toer said, “My world is not a title, rank, salary, and dishonesty. My world is human earth with its problems.” Therefore, with the greater impact I give post-study, there will be a masterpiece that continues to grow and exist even after I have passed away.

Beli Chat GPT 4 + Premium Disini

Penggunaan Chat GPT Premium dalam proses penulisan esai motivasi untuk LPDP menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi AI dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan relevansi esai. Dari riset hingga deteksi kesalahan logika, alat ini menjadi asisten yang berharga dalam menjadikan esai beasiswa S2 menjadi sempurna. Maka dari itu, untuk buat essay beasiswa s2 sebagus Contoh Esai Motivasi LPDP diatas, beli CHAT GPT 4 + Premium disini ya:


Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan recovery data ransomware STOP/DJVU dengan beragam varian seperti CDPO, CDXX, dsb di

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